4 Facts About Deuel

It's our little dinosaur's 4th birthday today.

But before singing happy birthday song to him, let me give you 4 INTERESTING FACTS about him.

Fact No. 1


He would cry and I would have to bribe him for that. But he will never give in even if I promise to buy him the biggest dinosaur in the Toy Store. Until I end up forcing him to do it but it would be very exhausting for both of us.

The video below is the day I asked him to accompany me to the supermarket. He was very excited then but when he noticed that we were actually heading to the Barber Shop, he then told me, "Mommy I don't like haircut, okay?" I didn't respond.

To make the story short, that is the first day he didn't cry during haircut and I didn't have to hold his hand while doing it.

P.S. He still doesn't like to go to the Barber Shop, but... Mommy always wins. I have my tricks baby :)

Fact No. 2

Aside from dancing, DEUEL LOVES TO SING.

Since, we only listen to Christian music, he knows almost every christian song that we sang, especially those that we play in the car. He's latest favorites are "I Surrender" and "Happy Day".

Even if there were new songs during Friday Worship, he can easily remember some of the lyrics and the tune of the song and would try to sing it the best that he could. He even corrects us with the lyrics even if what he says is wrong. He is so confident to tell us, "No, not like that...", then corrects us with the wrong one. 

But not all the time, sometimes he is really correct with what he says.

Fact No. 3 


He loves the T-REX in particular because it slays almost everyone. It always wins. 

As of today, I am surprised how much dinosaurs he knows. He can identify each of them even if sometimes it looks all the same to me. 

He would always have a different kind of amazement every time he sees a dinosaur.

He LOVES them all!

Fact No. 4

Something that everyone knows.

DEUEL IS A GOOD DANCER! I think its because of his mother's genes (EHEM!!!).

He dances gracefully and manage to memorize steps just by looking and trying to figure out by himself. He started at the age of 2.

Today, I can really see his improvements especially when dancing with music. Sometimes, he sings and dance all at the same time.

Though, he doesn't like other people to see it. I asked him why, he said, "Because I am small, only big should dance". Funny observation though. 

He can teach tambourine dance steps too! Just try!

Here is Deuel's latest Tambourine Dance Video

Note: He is wearing his briefs.

Happy Birthday Baby!
May you continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Never be ashamed to do everything for His glory. Be a light that shines in everywhere you go. Be a loving son and brother always.
We love you so much!


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