New Passion

I love putting all collective ideas and bringing it to one glorious event. I've done it so many times and just recently, I've discovered another passion that I am into.

Last December 2016, a friend requested me to do her hair on her 18th Birthday. I hesitated at first knowing that she is very sensitive and loves everything about her on point. And knowing that her 18th birthday is one of the highlights of her life, I don't want to ruin it. But still, I said yes and that's the start of everything.

Well yeah... I did it. She is happy. And then I thought maybe I can do it to others to.

But not only that. Also that day, I manage to have a partner and decided to collaborate with her.

Meet my make-up artist partner, Shahani who also do this out of love and passion.

Me & Shy with our first happy client

And in case you want to check out what we've been doing so far, please feel free to visit our Facebook page here!

She also manage to do my make-up that day!
Thanks to her!

And our latest project together?
Gracelyn's 18th Birthday

And looking forward for more!

May God bless the work of our hands. Glory to God for everything!


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